St. John Lutheran Church and School

218 W. 2d St
PO Box 365
Alma, KS 66401

St. John Lutheran Church is a family united by faith in Jesus Christ, gathering around God’s Word and His sacraments, to reach out in Christ-borne love and Christ-like concern to all. It has been a vibrant beacon of Christian faith in the county since 1870. The congregation operates a parochial school for grades K-8. Our people confess Christ and serve Him in works of faith, in many venues in our community. Our traditional services follow Lutheran liturgies, and we celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first and third Sundays of each month. We honor God's goodness with vocal and handbell choirs. We value teaching and study of God's Word, and offer opportunites for personal growth at home, as well as in the church.

Please contact us at 785-765-3632, or look at our website for service times and other information: